Welcome Home Grant 2025
The Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati (FHLB Cincinnati) offers grants to fund reasonable down payment and closing costs incurred in conjunction with the acquisition or construction (permanent loan only) of owner-occupied housing by low- and
moderate-income homebuyers.
The grants are limited to a minimum of $10,000 and up to a maximum of $20,000 for all homebuyers. Homebuyers must apply and qualify for a mortgage loan with a participating lender to utilize the grant.
All participating Lenders, including Citizens Bank of Kentucky, will be subject to an aggregate limit of $600,000 per calendar year. All funds are reserved for specific homebuyers purchasing specific homes and cannot be transferred to other homebuyers or to other homes.
Welcome Home funds will be available for reservation on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 8:00 am ET on March 3, 2025 and will remain available until all funds have been reserved.
A homebuyer would be eligible for the Welcome Home grant if all of the following guidelines are met:
A property would be eligible if all of the following guidelines are met:
For more information on the Welcome Home Program please contact a Retail Lending Officer with Citizens Bank of Kentucky at 606.789.4001 or Toll Free at 866.462.2265.
For additional Information on the Welcome Home Program click here.
Offer Subject to Credit Approval. Restrictions Apply.
Citizens Bank of Kentucky NMLS# 608928